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For the latest industry news about Cloud EMV, Tap to Phone, Soft POS, NFC payments, other payment news, and updates on Felix Payment Systems.

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Are you ready to unleash Tap to Phone across the whole mobile application ecosystem and all of its customer experiences? Felix, the only company in

What is the Felix Cloud EMV kernel and what are the advantages over traditional payments infrastructure?   Felix.Cloud moves the terminal kernel to the cloud

Global digital payment statistics $58.3BN was the global digital payment market size estimated in 2020 And is expected to reach $175bn by the year 2026.

The world of payments has been a strange and confusing place over the past 10 years. With alternative payment options like PayPal, Klarna, Cryptocurrencies, Zelle,

EMV (Europay, Mastercard, Visa) initiatives have been in place for nearly a decade and for convenience stores and gas stations since 2015.  The card brands

There is no denying that contactless card payments using SoftPOS Tap to Phone and cloud EMV payment technology are the future of digital commerce. Today,

Mobile devices and the internet of things have created unprecedented opportunities for developing world countries to move forward in the adoption of contactless payments. This

SoftPOS vs mPOS We are all used to Point of Sale (POS) systems. First, we swiped and now we tap debit and credit cards to