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EMV (Europay, Mastercard, Visa) initiatives have been in place for nearly a decade and for convenience stores and gas stations since 2015.  The card brands

There is no denying that contactless card payments using SoftPOS Tap to Phone and cloud EMV payment technology are the future of digital commerce. Today,

Secure chip-based payment acceptance was once confined to the domain of retail Point of Sale (POS) devices. Not anymore. SoftPOS opens new opportunities for merchants,

Unpacking PIN on Mobile Technology The world of payments is rapidly changing. Growing demand for merchants, particularly small businesses and micro-merchants, to use their smartphones

SoftPOS vs mPOS We are all used to Point of Sale (POS) systems. First, we swiped and now we tap debit and credit cards to

In this article, we explore what are contactless mobile payments changes in the “card present” EMV payment methods that are used to process payments at